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Property Matters



Simple Declaration of Trust

Additional $99 if we are required to stamp the Trust Document.

Additional Landgate Fees if the documents are required to be registered

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Termination Notice & Deposit Holder Notice

Termination Notice

Deposit Holder Notice

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Contract Preparation/Review of Standard REIWA Contract of Sale

Standard Offer and Acceptance Contract only. 

We reserve the right to charge additional if the Contract of Sale special condtions not usually associated with a standard Contract of Sale. We would notify you of such cost prior to commencing work. 


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Contract Preparation/Review

Non-standard Contract - According to time, depending on the complexity of the matter. We will provide a quote prior to commencement of work

$495.00 per hour
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Default Notice

Draft and issue default notice under Real Estate contract

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Commercial Lease

Additional $495 if registration of Lease is required to be prepared

Additional $495 if Mortgagee Consent is required

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Retail Lease

Additional $500 if preparation of disclosure statement is required. 

Additional $495 if registration of Lease is required

Additional $495 if Mortgagee Consent is required.

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Extension, Variation or Assignment of Lease

If multiple requirements are required, please contact and provide copies of Lease and details of requirements for a quote. 

$700.00 per requirement
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Lease Advice - Standard Lease

We will provide a quote before commencing advice if we determine the lease is complex and requires more time

$495.00 per hour
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Deed of Easement

Cost quoted excludes negotiations with other parties involve or liaising with surveyors in relation to preparation of deposited plans depicting easement. 

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Restrictive Covenant

Cost quoted excludes negotiations with other parties involve or liaising with surveyors in relation to preparation of deposited plans depicting easement. 

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Deed of Surrender of Easement

Cost quoted excludes negotiations with other parties involve or for partial surrender of easement, liaising with surveyors in relation to preparation of deposited plans depicting easement. 

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© 2015 Philipoff Legal. All rights Reserved. Liability limited by a Scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation.


Legal Practitioner Director: Jolene Ashworth  Non Legal Practitioner Director: Vicki Philipoff            

Philipoff Legal is an associated company of Vicki Philipoff Settlements                         

Philipoff Legal Pty Ltd (ACN 603 095 165) trading as Philipoff Legal (ABN 40 603 095 165)


32 Delhi Street, West Perth WA 6005


P O Box 1800, West Perth WA 6872


T (+618) 6311 4838


F +618 6323 1825

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