Commercial Agreements
Discharge of Mortgage | Additional Landgate registration Fee and Electronic Conveyancing Platform fee is payable for lodgement of Discharge of Mortgage. Additional $198 if settlement attendance required to hand over Discharge of Mortgage in exchange for collection of payout. | $660.00 | Contact Us |
Mortgage | For non-urgent instructions and fee is exclusive of GST and disbursements. | $1,225.00 | Contact Us |
Preparation and Lodgement of Caveat | For non-urgent instructions and fee is exclusive of GST and disbursements Additional Fees payable for other documents such as loan document required to evidence the caveatable interest | $1,100.00 | Contact Us |
Deed of Acknowledgement of Debt | Simple Deed between two natural personsAdditional $550.00 if preparation of Caveat required, together with Landgate registration Fee and Electronic Conveyancing Platform fee is payable for the lodgement of caveat | $1,100.00 | Contact Us |
Withdrawal of Caveat | Additional Landgate registration Fee and Electronic Conveyancing Platform fee is payable for lodgement of on withdrawal of Caveat. Additional $198 if settlement attendance required to hand over withdrawal of caveat in exchange for collection of payout | $880.00 | Contact Us |
Loan Agreement | For non-urgent instructions and fee is exclusive of GST and disbursements | $1,225.00 | Contact Us |
Sale of Shares Agreement (for non land rich company) | For non-urgent instructions and fee is exclusive of GST and disbursements. Additional $1,100.00 if company is land rich and an Assessment by the Office of State Revenue is required | $1,100.00 | Contact Us |
Sale of Assets Agreement | For non-urgent instructions and fee is exclusive of GST and disbursements Additional $550.00 if the agreement is required to be stamped at the Office of State Revenue | $1, 280.00 | Contact Us |
Deed of Guarantee and Indemnity | For non-urgent instructions and fee is exclusive of GST and disbursements | $1,100.00 | Contact Us |
Shareholder Agreement | For non-urgent instructions and fee is exclusive of GST and disbursements | $1,925.00 | Contact Us |
Solicitors Guarantee Certificate | For non-urgent instructions and fee is exclusive of GST and disbursements Some financial institutions require borrowers or guarantors to obtain independent legal advice as a condition of their loans. We will review your loan documents and issue certificates of independent legal advice. Documents to be provided a minimum of 2 clear business days prior to appointment. PLEASE NOTE that under the Legal Profession Uniform Legal Practice (Solicitors) Rules (“Rules”), we can only issue the certificate of independent legal advice in the manner and form as prescribed in the Rules. Please note that we are unable to guarantee that the certificate prescribed by the Rules will be acceptable to your financial institution. Please ensure that you obtain confirmation from your financial institution as to whether the certificate provided by the firm will be acceptable prior to making an appointment with us. | $600.00 per person or $1,000.00 per couple (additional $300 may be charged if we are required to witness the loan, mortgage and guarantee documents) | Contact Us |
© 2015 Philipoff Legal. All rights Reserved. Liability limited by a Scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation.
Legal Practitioner Director: Jolene Ashworth Non Legal Practitioner Director: Vicki Philipoff
Philipoff Legal is an associated company of Vicki Philipoff Settlements
Philipoff Legal Pty Ltd (ACN 603 095 165) trading as Philipoff Legal (ABN 40 603 095 165)
32 Delhi Street, West Perth WA 6005
P O Box 1800, West Perth WA 6872
T (+618) 6311 4838
F +618 6323 1825